Wednesday, April 3, 2024


The Gray Haired Barista

He smiles at me May I take your order please Cappuccino, latte, or me Frothy steam Coffee kisses daydream Red lipstick blotch on the coffee cup Thank you Your welcome

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


  • Bus ride
  • Food
  • Game
  • People
  • Location
  • Weather
  • Bucket List
  • Adventure
  • Free breakfast

Bad, Ugly

  • Crying child
  • Barking dog
  • Ringing phone at 2:00 am
  • Noises at door
  • Purse
  • Ticket 
  • Lady, I'm in the right seat
  • Getting a drink, crowds
  • Uber lot
  • Expensive

**Lessons Learned

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

Reselling, Thrifting and Flipping

About five years ago, I was looking for an easy, part-time income. I was looking for something fun and something I can do at home. So, I started to research on the internet. I was surprised to learn that people were making a living out of selling thrift store items (mostly flipping second-hand clothing) on the internet. I decided I would give it a try and picked Tradesy to sell my items. I started by selling gently used clothing out of my own closet. It was awesome when I made sales. I've since moved on from Tradesy and I sell on Poshmark, Mercari, Vinted and eBay.

The reselling apps makes it very easy to shop online. You can easily search for anything you are looking for by searching by category, brand, color, size and price. You can also save a lot of money by buying secondhand versus retail.

My on-line business has grown from five years ago and I currently have 253 listings on Poshmark. I keep my inventory small to make it manageable. Some of my inventory comes out of my own closet, as well as thrift stores. I also look for new items which I buy at discounted prices. I usually sell 1-2 items per week. No, I'm not getting rich but the extra money comes in handy.

I try to spend as little as I can on shipping supplies. I can get free shipping boxes at the post office for Poshmark orders. I also buy polymailers in bulk. Anything else I need, I buy at the dollar store. You also need a cell phone or camera to take photos and you need a laptop or desktop computer and a printer. For storing inventory, I use an extra closet, a drawer in my dresser and a small storage unit. I bought a mannequin at the Dress Barn going-out-of-business sale for $5. I'm lucky enough to have a mailbox in walking distance, so I rarely need to make trips to the post office.

Inventory Drawer

Storage Unit

What are the drawbacks to having an on-line business? It sometimes takes a while to sell something online, but I can be very patient and I'm also not necessarily looking for quick sales. It also takes time and effort to shop for the items you want to sell and you have to keep an eye out for fashion trends and what the customer is looking for. Another drawback is lowball offers from buyers because some people think they can get something for nothing. Luckily, I haven't had too much of a problem with that because my items are reasonably priced.

Other than that, I absolutely love my side hustle, not only for the extra money it brings me but it combines my love for thrift shopping, fashion and selling. It's awesome to have my own mini store right in my own home.

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Stand

It's been an interesting experience reading The Stand during a pandemic. This book came out in 1978. It's frightening how many references the book makes that actually happened. The book is truly a prophesy. The book is very long (1,149 pages) and I'm finally coming towards the end. As you can imagine, the book is very dark, so you have been warned. Happy summer reading!

My Patio Oasis

I am disappointed in not taking a summer vacation this year. Though all things considered, I am grateful for good health and outdoor space in my patio where I can read and relax with a cold drink. After all, vacation is a state of mind. My patio is little slice of heaven at home.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Life Lessons, Learned In My Life

1. Ice cream fixes just about everything.

2. You are responsible for your own life and your health.

3. Candles go a long way in making your house/apartment feel like a home.

4. You'll learn to be grateful for your faith.

5. There's a lot of things that happen in life you don't have control over, but you can control your attitude. If you need to vent, go ahead, and get it out of your system.

6. Your coworkers becomes family.

7. People you love will move away, but being reunited brings a new kind of joy.

8. Sunday brunch will become your favorite meal.

9. It's better to be disappointed in a romantic interest than being disappointed in yourself.

10. The best feeling in the world is the summer breeze on your skin.

11. The best thing money can buy is experiences. Go travel and see the places you dream about.

12. Don't let anybody stop you from pursuing your career goals.

13. Drop the comparison game and learn to be OK with where you are in your own life.

14. Weekends are for recharging and relaxation, but don't miss out on fun activities.

15. Grieving and healing is a process. No one can tell you what that looks like for you.

16. Creative activities boosts your well being. Write, dance, sing, color, paint, take pictures, knit... don't stop creating.

17. The choices you make in life determines your destiny as well as your destiny is also written out for you.

18. Reading is as important as living. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

19. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. You will learn a lot about human resiliency.

20. Surround yourself with people that make you feel big.

21. You are never too old to learn something new.

22. Do things you want to experience, but choose wisely.

23. Nobody is proficient doing something for the first time, you have keep practicing to get better. Be patient when learning something new.

24. When looking back, you'll remember kindness from strangers.

25. Forget about seeking revenge on people who have wronged you. It's better to forget about these people and move on with your life.

26. The world is a hard place, so treat yourself with kindness. Treat yourself to spa treatments, buy yourself flowers, get your hair done. Practice relaxation techniques, deep breathing, meditation, exercise and yoga. These activities can boost energy and reduce stress.

27. Wear what makes you feel confident.

28. Practice mindfulness. Focusing on the present moment without becoming overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around you. 

29. Clean out closets and clutter. Give away things you don't use anymore. Donate to charity or give away for free.

30. Life has many chapters and there is so much left to learn. Enjoy the journey.